Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sarah Palin is Phyllis Schaffley along with all her female self-loathing albeit with a prettier face

As long as women are seen as "baby makers" first and foremost..
  • As long as the rights of a grown woman to live her life as she sees fit suddenly becomes second to her fetus....
  • As long as men have an inherent advantage in the workplace, because they don't have to take leave or quit a job to finish a pregnancy...
  • as long as a woman is seen as LESS a person because she has decided to put herself first and not carry to term....


Sarah Palin counts a woman as LESS of a person than a fetus an inch or so long, to a clump of less than 100 cells.

When facing a Solomon's choice like this it is always best to default to the one who is with us in totality, rather than to the one who MIGHT be with us later.

Sarah Palin, PRO-BIRTH forces WOULD SUBORDINATE a Women's right TO THE unborn AT THE MOMENT OF CONCEPTION, BEFORE IMPLANTATION in the womb, even in cases of rape and incest.

They'd outlaw the morning after pill, that can stop a pregnancy within 48hrs.

That IS WHAT Sarah Palin wants.

Her extreme position is a direct and absolute threat to the equality of women today, who have control of their body ONLY IN THE 1ST TRIMESTER.

A woman faces greater and greater hurdles if she tries to terminate her pregnancy after 3months. Few women save to save her own life could successfully obtain an abortion after the 5th month, even though maybe 1 unborn preemie has survived being born so early IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY.

This protects unborn who are potentially viable outside the womb, and thus should be given a chance That is sufficient compromise.

The right to terminate a pregnancy as NEVER BEEN absolute.

Any rule that restricts the rights of a woman in favor of an unborn that canNOT survive outside the womb on its own makes her INFERIOR in rights to the fetus, So it is a civil rights issue.

To compound the issue, Sarah Palin's position on aide to single mothers, single parent children is cruel and evil.

She's OPPOSED to any program to help the newborn grow up healthy and become a productive citizen, to say nothing of the new, often teenage mother, like prenatal care funding, after-school food programs, motherhood programs or anything that are anathemas, because its paid for with tax money.

Her version of religion says the women deserve the hardship raising a child alone entails, because she had the audacity to have sex, and everyone knows what sex can lead to right?

The fact that she made a mistake doesn't matter. She must pay.

All too often their solution is born from a religious belief that a woman "sinned" by having sex, and the pregnancy is "punishment" that she cannot refuse. She knew what would happen, well now she should pay the price - yeah right. How twisted.

If you think I exaggerate, visit any group's website who pushes this agenda's, and pose the simple question "why shouldn't a woman be allowed to not have a baby?" You'll get that answer about 1/3rd. the time.

The bottom line is Sarah Palin believes in an agenda that totally and utterly disempowers women.

Sarah Palin is lacking any sort of empathy for other women, because she thinks, because what she has came to her easily, other women who don't have it must be lazy or selfish or just sinners.

What an extreme irony that Sarah Palin is is simultaneously an example of sexual equality and sexual inequality whose extreme views would return women to return to the roles of baby-maker, provider of sex on demand, caretaker, domestic laborer Etc.

She'd be this nation's worst nightmare as president, and thus as a nation we cannot vote for McCain, because that would put her a heartbeat away from that role.

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