NEWS FLASH: White Working Class Women have a sense of pride too - just like African Americans do!!!!
Obama received as close to universal support from African American Democrats.
The reason was simply PRIDE, and it was NOT racist at all, because it a vote of PRIDE, not against HRC, because she was white.
Anyone with eyes open though would have realized the dire implications of that happening.
ALL DEMOGRAPHIC GROUPS can have a sense of pride. It is NOT just a "black thing" to have pride.
PRIDE CAN JUSTIFY and NULLIFY the importance of issues to a voter. Only idiots think women voting out of pride for Palin are voting AGAINST YOUR OWN BELIEFS.
Just how overwhelming pride is, is proven when examining the overwhelming support from Southern Blacks Obama has.
Southern Socially conservative African Americans (the vast majority) are as Anti-abortion as Palin
Southern Socially conservative African Americans as Anti-gay rights as Palin
Southern Socially conservative African Americans are as Anti-science as Palin
Southern Socially conservative African Americans are as Sexist as Palin (yes women can be anti-woman LOL)
They voted for a man, who did NOT, does NOT share their values, simply out of pride.
One would think the Left would have prepared for a similar reaction from any other "clearly definable demographic group, based on sex, color, religion Etc" and made sure to make the to neutralize the potential of a devastating Palin maneuver by choosing HRC.
Instead Obama chose a OLD White Man, and weakened the belief of millions of women that the Democratic party was the party for sexual equality
When McInsane chose Palin, he maximized the PRIDE EFFECT that all groups can manifest,
IT'S WHAT YOU DO, NOT WHAT YOU SAY, especially for the Democrats.
RepubliTHUGS NEVER claimed to be the party of "equality."
Anthing they did that did further that goal (even when 100% symbolic and contrary) was going to get them big points with many women.
The overwhelming African American vote for Obama, against the previous record holder a Clinton should have made this absolutely, crystal clear.
To me the shocked and confused reaction of Team Obama is proof of the deep sexism among his managers.
They didn't see it coming, because seeing it coming would have required "respecting women as a group."
The devastating potential of Obama choosing anyone but HRC coupled with McCain choosing ANY woman should have been extremely obvious. I knew it.
The potential was maximized by the endless dismissal of the "white female vote" as a "group of any kind."
There is NO doubt when it comes to voting monolithically, few groups could match the African American #s in terms of percent who voted for Obama in the primaries.
Other groups, like White Women, do NOT need to be as monolithic to affect the outcome even more dramatically, a mere simple majority of white women can win an election.
Nationally, across the board it has ALWAYS been a "SLIM, but SOLID Majority of Women" who delivered UNTOLD Democratic victories.
Team Obama I guess interpreted the overwhelming support of African American WOMEN to mean there was NO SUCH thing as "female demographic" to cater to, or solicit by choosing HRC as his VP.
His team must have figured that Democratic White Women were all like Carolyn Kennedy and Maureen O'Dowd..
Two classic examples of women of privilege.
They assume that what's true for them as white women must be true for all white women.
For them the struggle of "common" white women is invisible, because they won the battle for equality. The proof is all around them and seen in their peers all white women as successful as they are and as part of a privileged group, can give some to make us all equal.
Obama's winning primary strategy was NOT a winning general election strategy.
In the GENERAL ELECTION universal African American voter support was NOT GOING TO compensate for losing the "slim majority of White female voters" responsible for so many Democratic victories since suffrage.
To poke that "group of voters" in their "Pride" by choosing Biden, an old white man and dismiss their deciding role is what got Obama in this mess.
NO ONE should blame anyone but Obama and his election team should he lose.
Women stung by Team Obama's sexist attacks, and who will vote for McCain, because he chose Palin are NOT racist, not against Obama but are OFTEN PROUD and EXCITED that our next VP could be a woman (regardless of how insane this woman is).
There ability to be blind to how insane Palin is, and be happy she could be the first VP is the power of PRIDE in its glory.
Obama could have made the same, many times better choice but he didn't without a reason that held water for millions of women, making those millions feel additional justification for voting out of Pride for McCain.
McInsane just hopes the Left keeps hammering women leaning towards McCain for his Palin pick, continue to rant and verbally assault those women for voting against their own interest.
Pride trumps all.
It is NOT just a "Black thing". It's a "human thing" as the strong positive reaction of white women to the Palin maneuver shows.
If Team Obama does not acknowledge in some way shape or form that they were wrong to dismiss the "white female vote" to declare even talking about the "white female vote" as racist pandering, then they will lose.
It's as simple as that.
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