Monday, September 29, 2008


The bailout is just Bush's final big payoff to those who made billions during his eight years.
He is conning everyone one final time by playing on the Democrats firm belief that he is an idiot.
By admitting figuratively - asking Democrats to help him when his own party will not, his is succeeding one final time using the Democratic leaders belief of his stupidity to manipulate you and the party and blind You Madame Chairwoman Pelosi and the Democrats with your own "good intentioned" righteousness.
As right as you are on the issues, the one thing you are are wrong about is Bush being stupid, but by believing so firmly that he is, you do not consider that you are being gamed one last time by the master of the game, whose been gaming the US economy for the benefit of his cronies for the last 8 years.
Bush knows saying "mea culpa - "I'm wrong, my policies have failed" (figuratively again not literally :-)induces multi-orgasmic fits for entire Democratic Caucus at this moment in time.
His timing is perfect too. Right when Democrats are "exhausted from waiting to win it all in 2008" distracted and desperate to close the winning deal with the American public in November.
The "financial system" after 20 years of wild, incestuous rule making that basically turned it into a trillion dollar gambling pit serves NO function in the REAL economy other than to give those with billions easy and quick ways in the guise of "financial investment vehicles" to take control of the "creative, labor and productive" forces, profit and capital in our economy.
They claim they created the ideal instrument to ensure the market work efficiently, and adapt to the needs of the market by directing capital to where it's most needed, but that has meant the valuable, otherwise constructive profits and proceeds from the "producing, creative classes" into the pockets of the likes of, who then uses it to gamble some more.
Dollar for dollar they create LESS regular jobs than any traditional financial investment.
It's the most distant form of trickle down economics of them all. One has to travel miles and miles of assumed connections to find a connection between a job created and the gambling of hedge funds, investment banks Etc.
They invest NOTHING in research.
Instead they invest in "venture capital firms" which are just another form of glorified gambling by people who know a little of this and that basically guessing which new creative development has the greatest potential to turn a huge profit in less than a year.
It's ludicrous to make every decision on the long-term future based on whether it can be successfully monetized, in order to produce windfall short-term profits for them, without producing any real, viable product the economy needs to ensure a stable long term future.
Like all gambling, the big gamblers are addicts.
Bailing them out is like giving a gambler an unlimited credit line.
They have to be allowed to lose.
The Government's role should be is to ensure the "landing is orderly."
Ensure the parts of the economy that struggled to play by sound economic rules survive.
The Government's role should be to ensure the ones who caused the crash by lose their fortunes, their reputations as well as any credibility in terms of future employment in the financial world.
The Government should use the economic situation to Remove them, and ensuring such a parasitic entity NEVER gets the opportunity to do what it has been doing for the last 20yrs.
Doing that, no matter how bad the short term resultant could/will be, would NOT EVER COME CLOSE TO deflating the US economy by 700 billion that Bush wants you to approve in order to rescue them.
We the people will survive just fine.
The world of the gambling financial world long ago stopped being relevant to the common man.
What is good for them has NO connection to the normal person.
Their "financial overlay" is a PARASITIC structure on the real "labor, creative and productive" economy.
They produce nothing PRODUCE NOTHING.
The sole purpose of their "financial instruments" is to ensure vast amounts of wealth created by the genius of others, the sweat of the common man, and the collective productive corporations and businesses of this land are redirected to their pockets so they can continue to gamble.
Then far from directing their gains into future development, research, production or job creation, they use that money to basically legally gamble on gaining huge profits based on "educated assumptions i.e.. gambling" what the future price of this or that will be, regardless of the demand or supply, as in oil, the price of which reflects a growing scarcity and rapidly growing demand that IS NOT, HAS NOT BEEN THERE EVER!
That's NOT capitalism, that's describes a legalized kleptocracy.
It has to end.
I know as one of the "people" I'm more than willing to do my share of personal suffering in order to eliminate this unique class of worthless, money sucking parasite from our economy forever.
Now's your chance to ensure the Bush legacy dies a permanent death when he leaves office - NO BAIL OUT FOR THE BUSH CRONIES WHO REAPED BILLIONS IN HIS LEGALIZED KLEPTOCRACY GOVERNED PSEUDO-FINANCIAL GAMBLING PIT.

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