The price of commodities used to be determined by the wholesale users of said commodities whether it be corn, oil Etc.
Oil refiners would bid for the supply, but not go beyond a certain point because above a certain price demand would collapse
Then overnight a change in the "customer" for oil as the commodity occurred.
Suddenly people/investors who had no intention, no ability, no use for the petroleum were joining in the bidding for reasons disconnected from supply/demand for petroleum.
In times prior they were in the market but more sideline players, not the drivers dictators of the market.
In taking over that role, the drove the "actual users of petroleum" to the sidelines - and the price of oil took off.
Without a way to profit off the oil they buy by "making something to sell with it" they instead focus on making a profit off the "trading" of the commodity, REGARDLESS OF THE DEMAND.
To fit their agenda, the price of oil was hitched to their modus operendi of gambling on possible future situations- that's as specific as one can get.
So now we have today. Ultra-powerful, connected wealthy investors buy and sell oil futures based how much they can profit from trading it.
The actual ultimate users pay for their profits with much higher prices than demand dictates the price of oil should be.
Needless to say such a system is ripe for abuse, and it's being abused.
The original commodities system was set up to accommodate actual users of the commodity and there are NO STRUCTURES IN PLACE TO CONTROL THE ACTIONS OF THE SPECULATORS who will NEVER USE THE OIL. They exploit this weakness in the system to maximize profits at everyone's expense.
The purpose, to further enrich those doing the bidding.
I do wonder how long it will be before leaders realize there is no "oil shortage" and won't be for at least a decade, and that justification is a red herring.
The other party culpable for this sham are environmentalists.
They have allowed their ideology to blind them to the utter stupidity of colluding with these guys because anything that forces humanity to wean itself off of oil is ultimately good in the long run right?
Umm, no it isn't, not by a long shot, not when doing so means enriching the very powers that caused such environmental devastation over the last century.
Unable to see past their noses, they are enabling the same group guilty of such wanton environmental destruction enough power to continue their destruction long after oil is gone.
They willingly collude by screaming "peak oil" when supplies are steady and easily increase.
In doing so they provide cover and a distraction to those who suspect there is a nefarious reason behind these dramatic, unnatural price fluctuations besides "peak oil."
If Americans don't catch on quick, it will be a matter of years before our economy PERMANENTLY collapses and slip rapidly into a 3rd world state of disintegration ala the USSR late 1980s.
The are many reasons, but the biggest one is there is no one big enough, and no one willing to save us, definitely not China.
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