Thursday, October 29, 2009

Maureen Dowd - the Benidict Arnold of Women

To find one good reason why the fight for equality between the sexes is struggling one needs to do the unexpected, look within the group to find the traitors whose success is based on their efforts to diminish and attacks other successful women. In doing so they perform the task they are hired for and that's to provide an invincible shield to the misogynists who hired them.

The best example is M. Dowd. All to happy to fulfill her function as a shield, because in many respects her opinions are as misogynistic as her bosses. Certainly if a member of the opposite sex said some of the things she said, they'd be fired.

Her attacks on fellow women, especially HRC starting in the 90s, when Bill began his run for the presidency are/were often attacks rooted in the fact that she as a candidate did not match up to the standards this society has created to identify "a proper looking female politician." HRC wasn't pretty enough, sexy enough, thin enough. Since she wasn't painfully thin like Jackie O, Dowd felt compelled to push her away.

For Dowd, HRC represented everything about the female body, she has been brainwashed to loathe and despise.

Of course Dowd is no idiot. Her loathing was expressed in stunningly blind double standard judgments she renders re: other women. That loathing expresses itself in criticisms of other women that are excessively brutal, hypocritically judgmental, unforgiving and absolute.

In HRC's case, she expressed these feelings with slanderous, long proven false charges of her being a liar, deceiver, double dealer and her proof over time is how willing HRC has been to be the doormat for her horn dog husband, thus making HRC in her eyes the ultimate feminist hypocrite.

Men guilty of similar behavior don't merit the same sort of reprobation. Dowd and her ilk do , because they are women and want to be seen as spokespeople for women's views and be seen as good examples of successful women.

Thanks to her self-hatred the result though is not balance, but betrayal as her words become the voice of misogyny in society.

Also as sad for the Dowd and her Ilk is their inability, unwillingness to control their hormone directed impulse.

Yes they were aware of them, and how they influenced their feelings, but rather than stepping back and forcing themselves to look at the candidates more objectively, they gave in willingly, excitedly as if they had been seduced. Of course this is justified, because male commentators do it automatically. Yes they do, but two wrongs don't make a right, and imitating them just confuses those who want equality.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with finding one candidate physically attractive vs. a vs. another. There is everything wrong when you make all your decisions, let all your feelings good and bad be directed by those feelings. It's animal nature triumphing over human nature.

At times during the election, Dowd's writings were what one would expect from a woman if women experienced a heat cycle like many other mammals. Her excitement, her joy seemed tied strictly to the candidate she found most sexually appealing.

From that perspective her commentary flowed almost exclusively. Dowd is the epitome of the modern woman who proclaims her success is proof of female equality.

That is about as sensible as declaring that now that there are billionaires in the PRChina, poverty has also been eliminated.

Her best defense against fellow women is her gender. If a man were to let loose with similar language over the years he'd have long ago been fired by the NY Times.

Understanding just how base a sexual traitor she is requires looking at her in context, and understand what would be a far more expected role of a woman in her position.

And please spare me the idiotic reply that "going against expectations" is proof of liberation and independence.

Context matters, and if that liberation and success is a product of fighting to deprive others like you of the same freedom, than it proves nothing other than the person is a basely selfish individual, and definitely NOT an example to follow if society wants to regain healthy and keep progressing.

For as a society we will only achieve a forward looking, healthy society when women are truly equal and free of undue criticism tied strictly to their female being.

That society will remain far far away as long as women like Dowd all to willingly are the agents of misogyny. Their attacks are many times more damaging than ones made by men.

Just as important is the need for "other women" to NO LONGER tolerate these sorts of traitors simply, because they are successful, and thus deserve the support of women.

That long-standing feminist belief written at the dawn of the women's right fight has been the achilles heal that has allowed the Dowds, Schaffleys Palins to thrive.

It's is no more logical and rationale than the widespread behavior among the poor and middle class Americans to defer to the ultra-rich, because their wealth/success is proof of infallibility are always right and thus should be listened to

Social groups benefit from their individual members successes ONLY WHEN that achievement is not mostly based on keeping everyone else in said group down.

In that regard, Dowd and women like her, owe their success to being female misogynists, and in that there is absolutely NO benefit to women at large. The only benefactor is the selfish Dowd herself.

Dowd's philosophy re: women's equality can be stately thusly: "I got mine so women are now equal."

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